The difference between HRIS Models is the use of technological architecture of the system. Four of the models which are multinational, transnational, international and global are commonly found in HRIS architectural models that are Standalone System Model, Data Warehouse Model and Single Integrated System Model.
Standalone System Model is the basic of HRIS system architecture and it do not communicate or coordinate with one another and uses an old version to update the data such as faxes, mail, in person meeting and telephone. Not only that, standalone system is used to operate and runs their unit on their own system which means they have an independent system to communicate, doing data analysis and there is no integration from other country or units by using this system. Basically, multinational company or large conglomerates company will use this system because they are less focused on centralized corporate direction or we can say as responding to local units, afraid of too many complexity and clashing of data information and each unit have own system in which different country use different HRIS system architecture.
In other view, Data Warehouse Model operates in order to share application, information and use widely all over the world to share the best practices with others. All operating units are use and run the same format, version or software system and set up for each region or country commonly. This model helps in saving costs of sharing applications and dealing with the vendor. By discussing about sharing and the system is use widely across country and beyond border, international company is very suits with this model because they views overseas units and focus more on sharing learning and innovation, facilitates the transfer and adaptation of knowledge to other business units from any country that use the same system or run same business. It means that, all users or country or organization who implement this model know how the data or system were generated and what it means.
Different from both of the above, Single Integrated System Model basically run and located at headquarters (HQ) in one databases. It means that, HQ will control the business running, updates the data automatically throughout the organization and uses the same software system to worldwide which consider different languages or culture in different countries. Generally, global organization use this type of model because it balance for both centralization and diverse in local organization.
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