By using internet or online web-based system, all operation in organization especially in managing HR functions become more easier, faster, less cost and time consuming and the most critical parts are all data were kept safely which can be revise at anytime, accessibility can be wider where employees or third parties such as applicants, candidates, public or investors can access easily to get information and feedback. It same goes to the organizations who are using a systematic approach where they have own system in order to run the operation management smooth and effectively.
Monday, 19 December 2011
EMplOyeE LeArNinG & DeVEloPmeENt (ELD)
The online system finally helps HR in minimizing the burden in recruiting and selecting candidates and they can become more focus in their particular job or field rather than control and manage everything manually. The cost of management can be reducing, become more effective and efficient by developing the system and it can easily update the information by using the system.
Below are the ELD system components which describe the needed data or information that ELD is storing and evaluating. In employee personal information, particular data need to be record such as name, staff ID, position, and department and so forth. Organization will look, identify and analyze performance of employee before they plan and ask employee to attend training based on the key-performance-index (KPI) in order to ensure the development of employee KSA and performance level. After that, employer will plan and organize training and develop the course of training that suitable for particular employees. In ELD, all data according to training such as date, time, module, trainer, content, methods and so on is provided and were recorded or stated. The process continue due to transfer of training whether employee able to perform the job better after training or not by developing a forum, assessments, outdoor skill training and other methods which can be used to rate the learning improvement among employees.
This ELD system help employee to access the training and development system that related to them where they can know and get information due to training schedule, name list who attend the particular training or the level or marks for their performance improvements before and after attend the training. Other than that, employees also can continue to apply their KSA that is required to join training, involve in forums or video conference or any other method to discuss and evaluate their transfer of training or learning. It is also reduce the cost of management where it can be done automatically and long lasting to make revision because all data were recorded in the system. Moreover, it is also empower and easy to access by employees where they can search and gain information about training and development by themselves and get improvement from them. The most important is employees skills in computer is increase when all system in order to get information is based on computerize and this will help employee computer skills.
Another function of HR that use information system is employee learning and development also known as training and development. ELD system used to observe and organize employee training, career planning and development and also the performance of employee especially before and after the learning and training was conducted. It help in analyzing the career of employee whether organization offer a better position or possess high level of position towards employee and suggest the training that needed to develop employee knowledge, skills and abilities and conduct performance appraisal other than evaluate the successes of training program.
This ELD system help employee to access the training and development system that related to them where they can know and get information due to training schedule, name list who attend the particular training or the level or marks for their performance improvements before and after attend the training. Other than that, employees also can continue to apply their KSA that is required to join training, involve in forums or video conference or any other method to discuss and evaluate their transfer of training or learning. It is also reduce the cost of management where it can be done automatically and long lasting to make revision because all data were recorded in the system. Moreover, it is also empower and easy to access by employees where they can search and gain information about training and development by themselves and get improvement from them. The most important is employees skills in computer is increase when all system in order to get information is based on computerize and this will help employee computer skills.
My WeB bAsED hUmaN ReSOuRcE PlaNNinG : ReCruITinG & sTaFfiNg
Nowadays in the era of globalization and technology, many organizations use the automatic and easiest way in managing their operation which include human resource functions, operational process and so forth in order to decrease the time consuming and reduce cost. More than that, it is also as a challenge for organizations to compete and show their effectiveness of using technology and system to competitors and to attract vendors and investors to invest in their organization. By using the system and technology, the work become easier and any error regarding the workforce and operation can be detected and taking action directly.
As mentioned in the above, organization use a system or a web based especially in managing human resource functions. Major uses of web based in HR functions are recruitment and selection or staffing. Recruitment is a process of promoting, screening and selecting qualified people to a positions that organization offers to current employees or public by using a variety of methods such as advertising, online promotion, direct promotion and so forth. In a recruitment process, organization will state and list out the criteria and qualification that they are looking for to choose the best candidates to pursue the next stage which called selection or staffing. Staffing is different from recruitment where this process is done by organization to select and train individuals for particular or specific job in order to identify whether the person is suitable to the task that given or not. Some of the test and interview or other methods might be used in this process.
Before this, majority of organizations and employers recruited employees by using manual methods but now after the expand of technology, e-recruitment is introduce and develop by every organizations and employers by using internet and as an easiest way to keep the data from the applicants into the system. E-recruitment is an online job application which offers to all applicants and as a processing system for employers to promote and advertise their job opening and offers for candidates to submit document that needed via internet. The document they sent will automatically process by the system and store in the data. The system was developed in order to help the department of human resource to manage and find the right and suitable people to work in organization and fill the job vacancies. Other than that, it is also help in reducing turnover and less employment or employees in organization where organization need to find and recruit employees to run the business and operation.
Basically the elements in electronic recruitment (E-recruitment) consist of input where personal information of candidates is store in information system and HR research system is to identify and managing job analysis and evaluation of candidates, HRIS database is to store and provide all information and lastly are output where it navigates candidates or users to get information and to be use. One of the roles of e-recruitment is to hiring candidates which suits to company. Other than that, it also to plan and analyze workforce that needed in order to maintain or keep the employees besides attract candidates to join and run an assessments.
The online system finally helps HR in minimizing the burden in recruiting and selecting candidates and they can become more focus in their particular job or field rather than control and manage everything manually. The cost of management can be reducing, become more effective and efficient by developing the system and it can easily update the information by using the system.
My sysTeM ArChiTectUre & HriS MoDel
The difference between HRIS Models is the use of technological architecture of the system. Four of the models which are multinational, transnational, international and global are commonly found in HRIS architectural models that are Standalone System Model, Data Warehouse Model and Single Integrated System Model.
Standalone System Model is the basic of HRIS system architecture and it do not communicate or coordinate with one another and uses an old version to update the data such as faxes, mail, in person meeting and telephone. Not only that, standalone system is used to operate and runs their unit on their own system which means they have an independent system to communicate, doing data analysis and there is no integration from other country or units by using this system. Basically, multinational company or large conglomerates company will use this system because they are less focused on centralized corporate direction or we can say as responding to local units, afraid of too many complexity and clashing of data information and each unit have own system in which different country use different HRIS system architecture.
In other view, Data Warehouse Model operates in order to share application, information and use widely all over the world to share the best practices with others. All operating units are use and run the same format, version or software system and set up for each region or country commonly. This model helps in saving costs of sharing applications and dealing with the vendor. By discussing about sharing and the system is use widely across country and beyond border, international company is very suits with this model because they views overseas units and focus more on sharing learning and innovation, facilitates the transfer and adaptation of knowledge to other business units from any country that use the same system or run same business. It means that, all users or country or organization who implement this model know how the data or system were generated and what it means.
Different from both of the above, Single Integrated System Model basically run and located at headquarters (HQ) in one databases. It means that, HQ will control the business running, updates the data automatically throughout the organization and uses the same software system to worldwide which consider different languages or culture in different countries. Generally, global organization use this type of model because it balance for both centralization and diverse in local organization.
Thursday, 20 October 2011
In this continuous challenges world, it is not about technologies that will always make an evolution but humane also make this world become challenges (Drucker, Dyson, Handy, Saffo & Senge, 1997). All companies are about to change their systematic approach in managing human or employees in their company in order to compete with others to fulfill the market demands and avoid from being left-behind to the changes. It is because, according to Porter (1990), human resources are the most serious things to handle compare to organization and physical. Employees are the assets to the company and to compete with others, company must consider and develop their high quality of work force, product and service quality, product differences and technological innovation.
Technology has taken the business environment by storm. Processes that used to be manual are now automated, and electronic means of communication have been heavily integrated into today's offices. The arrival of technology has completely transformed today's business practices. There are three processes that enable HR activities in improving and developing their service and management for the use of management and employees which are transactional, traditional and transformational. The development of HR function from traditional and manual process to the specific system that established after the new technology was introduced is a transformational approach and method in order to get easy access and have a chance to develop the new function and roles of HR.
In a world of globalization, many organizations trying to promote their businesses in local or international in order to compete with others and gain information pertaining to the business they are running. Some of them might use global model of HRIS, international and multinational or there are some of them might use transnational model which compile together three of the models.
As the area of human resource management becomes more strategic and more global it is becoming more important and critical to the organization. While not all companies are recognizing this yet, those that are most effective and most admired, seem to be the ones that are. As a consequence they are doing many things that make their management of human resources as effective as possible. The global changed the nature of the company such as compensation program existence, number of global HRIS organization exist that handle worldwide issues, the specific global software solution that help HR manager and more. The problem which struggle HRIS is that building a truly global system is an order whereas it is costly and time-consuming. It requires the cooperation of an inordinate amount of knowledge in various business practices, environments, legal systems and languages of the world.
Another problem is many multinational companies consider their foreign subsidiaries to the dominant domestic structure. This may cause losing a chance to leverage synergies between countries, regions and businesses and it may call as multi-local. There are four different models of HRIS that are multinational where the need for responsiveness through local differentiation, global model is the need for efficiency through global integration by building a single, standardized centralized system and international is the need for learning through leveraging worldwide innovation and knowledge sharing while transnational is more to increasing a diversity and complexity.
Globalizing HRIS: The New Transnational Model by Karen Beaman and Alfred J. Walker, IHRIM Journal Oct.-Dec. 2000
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
My CoMpeTiTiVes AdVaNTaGeS
According to what I have learned in the class about this topic, I realize that in businesses, we should have competitors in order to excel in our business development including employees, productions, financial of company and so forth. If company is popular and well-known, it can be remain for a long time period rather than company which is small, less compete, less budget and more. In last class, we are having an activity in which we need to form a group and discuss about the competition among company in the same field of business. For example, KFC Holdings which is a kind of fast food restaurant and compete with McDonalds in terms of services, variety of menus and drinks, promotions and so forth. All these factors are the core business in order to attract clients to come to their restaurants and gain as much profit and achieve their organizational mission. One of the advantages of the competition among them is the restaurant have their own clients and brand name or product, may remain for a long period when the profit is increase and stable and they compete in a good way in which they globalize and centralize their market or product to control and promote using network from client support.
Based on this situation, we can conclude that competitive advantage is that firms has over its competitors, allowing it to generate greater sales or margins and/or retain more customers than its competition. There can be many types of competitive advantages including the firm's cost structure, product offerings, distribution network and customer support. Another term of competitive advantage is the ability gained through attributes and resources to perform at a higher level than others in the same industry or market (Christensen and Fahey 1984, Kay 1994, Porter 1980 cited by Chacarbaghi and Lynch 1999, p. 45).
Information technology has become a generator to these competitors in order to promote their sales and products by using an internet. By using the internet as the middle-site to customers and organization, businesses can gain a competitive advantage through creation of an effective website.
Reference :
Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance by Michael E. Porter
Thursday, 6 October 2011
My InTRodUcTiOn to HRIS
I actually have no idea bout dis subject. But since IS stand for Information System, so that i got an expectation which dis subject teach us what system in every HR department in organization must have, should own and it really got certain and special system which is functional to operate HR system. All i know, HR got lots of things to manage, organize and etc. For instance, payroll got own system on how to calculate and key-in data for employees payment and salary. Also in employee relations in which all cases that happen must be recorded and file it. It use so much more folder, data bases and system in order to make it easy to manage.
Before we go through, we need to know what is HRIS is all about. The Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is a software or online solution for the data entry, data tracking, and data information needs of the Human Resources, payroll, management, and accounting functions within a business. Normally packaged as a data base, hundreds of companies sell some form of HRIS and every HRIS has different capabilities.
Typically, the better The Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) provide overall:
- Management of all employee information.
- Reporting and analysis of employee information.
- Company-related documents such as employee handbooks, emergency evacuation procedures, and safety guidelines.
- Benefits administration including enrollment, status changes, and personal information updating.
- Complete integration with payroll and other company financial software and accounting systems.
- Applicant tracking and resume management.
An effective HRIS provides information on just about anything the company needs to track and analyze about employees, former employees, and applicants. An appropriate HRIS, Human Resources staff enables employees to do their own benefits updates and address changes, thus freeing HR staff for more strategic functions. Additionally, data necessary for employee management, knowledge development, career growth and development, and equal treatment is facilitated. Finally, managers can access the information they need to legally, ethically, and effectively support the success of their reporting employees.
Before all this happen, HR system is more to book keeping or data keeping by using files or we can say it keep the employees data manually and the roles of HR is not too much just like this new era. The old roles or system of HR is called a transactional activities. Another activities that HR established in order to manage focus on HR such as compensation, selection and more is called traditional while transformational is more to the expanded on th HR functions such as training, career development, employee relation and so forth. According to the history of three era in which are pre-world war II, post-world war II and social issue era, these era shown the expansion of HR management by using the systematic approach and compare with before the world war happen, HR has no specific system and was called as a caretaker in managing the documentation and system by records manually. After world war and the world or company was introduced by new technology, they started to compete in systemize and expand their function and roles of HR.
References :
Before all this happen, HR system is more to book keeping or data keeping by using files or we can say it keep the employees data manually and the roles of HR is not too much just like this new era. The old roles or system of HR is called a transactional activities. Another activities that HR established in order to manage focus on HR such as compensation, selection and more is called traditional while transformational is more to the expanded on th HR functions such as training, career development, employee relation and so forth. According to the history of three era in which are pre-world war II, post-world war II and social issue era, these era shown the expansion of HR management by using the systematic approach and compare with before the world war happen, HR has no specific system and was called as a caretaker in managing the documentation and system by records manually. After world war and the world or company was introduced by new technology, they started to compete in systemize and expand their function and roles of HR.
References :
Wednesday, 14 September 2011
My StoRy
Hello everyone!! My name is Nurul Hadzimah Harun. I am 22 years old, was born on 25th August 1989 in Johor Bahru and now studying at UTM Johor Bahru by taking Bachelor Degree in Science of Human Resource Development. I live in Permas Jaya, Pasir Gudang with my beloved mother, two brothers and a younger brother who is one year younger than me. I have a big family in which I have six nieces and seven nephews, three sisters, six brothers and a younger brother.
I'd created this blog is because my the one and only lecturer, Dr. Nur Naha wants us (students of HRIS subject) to elaborate, share and give opinion about what we have learned in this 3 credit compulsory subject for us as HR students. It is also said as reflective journal as we have own blog, post our knowledge and get marks. (^.-)
I am hard-working, funny, shy and quite energetic, hyperactive and love to learn new things, can work in team or individually but sometimes I can become so mean. In order to excel and gain happiness in life, I used to help others as long as I could, do what I want to do, always pray to God to show the right path and never forget who I belong to. I prefer to be happy in everything I say and do, share and give happiness to others and do not let people look down on me (by challenge myself to be better than others).
I'm sure this class will be happening hopefully until the end of semester. It is about me for the first entry to this blog. HRD and UTM is my last choice when I registered to enter local universities to further studies. Unfortunately, the choice that I'm not preferred to and I'm not interested in studying near to my house is fulfilled. I accepted it for the sake of my mother and my future life. Maybe God tested me and I'm so grateful at last.
Okay guys. If you want to know me more, do ask and know me. Once you know me, you will regret. Hehehehe... Just kidding (^.-)
Really hope you guys can accept what I'm going to post in this blog and feel free to comments, give ideas or suggestions and be friends with me. Have a nice afternoon and smile always!! Bubbye.. (^.-)
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my happy family.... this picture was editted in 2007 |
my girls generation : sit-azira, me, ckin, syue while standing-cyun, nad, wani & mila |
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